One Day In Maine

It’s a bit of a cheat, but in the serendipity that can happen in creation sometimes, I did an Instagram series (I know, I know) yesterday called #onedayinmaine that is a perfect fit with my prompt for Sunday.

And yes, I’m a day-ish late in the upload, but you know what? That just makes today a two-fer.

The Art of the Everyday: January 12, Take two – Run outside. Take a picture of the first thing you see. Run inside. Take a picture of the second thing you see. Write about the connection between these two random objects, people, or scenes.


We start at Brunch. Ah, the sweet smell of freedom fries.


Snowshoe in Loon Echo Land Trust, Bridgton 



Summit, overlooking Sebago Lake


On the way down


Whose grocery store doesn’t have good advice and stuffed large cats?

And there you have it, one day in Maine.

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  1. Pingback: Blind Leading The Blind | The Jittery Goat

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